Professores da Engenharia de Produção da FACCAT e UFRGS aprovam artigo científico em um dos maiores congressos internacionais nos Estados Unidos. O trabalho foi avaliado e classificado para apresentação e publicação nos anais da 20º Annual POMS Conference 2009 of the Production and Operations Management Society. Este congresso é classificado pela CAPES/MEC como evento A1. O Congresso será realizado em Orlando, Flórida de 01 a 04 de Maio. Acesse o site do congresso Veja abaixo a descrição do artigo aprovado:
Schedule: Sunday (May 3), 3:30-5:00 Room: EC-E View Full Length PaperAuthors: Carlos Jung, Carla ten CatenTitle: Community Integration in a State Program of Innovation Track: Product Innovation and Technology Management This paper describes the results of exploratory research into the Research and Development (R&D) model employed in the Program for the Creation of Technological Innovation Nuclei in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Implemented in 1989 by the Secretariat of Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), to promote sustainable regional development, this program has stimulated the formation of public and private sector partnerships to generate new technology, products and processes adapted to the specific conditions found in the different regions in the State. The results described herein were obtained by a process of exploratory research designed to investigate the conceptual principles and practical operation of the R&D activities of the RS Program for the Creation of Nuclei of Technological Innovation, and the lateral development of this program so as to identify the principal actions effectively contributing to regional development |